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Your true CrossFit performance revealed

Atlon empowers CrossFit athletes by automatically tracking workouts and capturing insights beyond heart rate.

In-depth crossfit insights

Record CrossFit workouts directly from Apple Watch and receive insights such as movement consistency, effort, HR over each exercise, average rep speed and so much more.

Image showing Atlon's app on iPhone and Apple Watch

Leave your phone,
track on the go

Let your watch capture every detail from your workout. Start directly from your wrist and when your workout ends, delve into detailed analytics using your phone.

Open Goal

No plan? Then just go. Atlon will figure out which workouts your doing, the reps, rest time, heart rate and a lot more.

Strength sessions

Set your target weight and just start moving. Adjust weights on the fly without pausing the workout.


Set your fixed duration for time and complete as many rounds or repetitions of an exercise as possible.


Set the amount of rounds and the time cap – none, if you want. The watch will vibrate when you're about to end each round.


Set your time and the amount of rounds for EMOM. Enable multiple stations in the workout planner.


Manually set your work time, rest time and the amount of rounds for intervals. See the total time required for the workout before starting.

Open Goal

No plan? Then just go. Atlon will figure out which workouts your doing, the reps, rest time, heart rate and a lot more.

Strength sessions

Set your target weight and just start moving. Adjust weights on the fly without pausing the workout.


Set your fixed duration for time and complete as many rounds or repetitions of an exercise as possible.


Set the amount of rounds and the time cap – none, if you want. The watch will vibrate when you're about to end each round.


Set your time and the amount of rounds for EMOM. Enable multiple stations in the workout planner.


Manually set your work time, rest time and the amount of rounds for intervals. See the total time required for the workout before starting.

keep track of your fitness level with monthly reports

Monthly reports are a great way of tracking your general progression as a functional fitness athlete. Atlon provides keys statistics and breaks down your workouts into trends.

Showing up

Measuring every rep is only possible when showing up to the gym. Get a breakdown of training days, calories burned, when you've been great and when you haven't.

Workout smarter

Analysing effort and consistency is key to staying injury free whilst finding the largest gains in your next workout.

Grand totals

View the total amount of reps, every calorie burned and each heartbeat during your workouts for the month. See if you can improve or need to take it easy.

Getting fitter with ERGs

Find out if your training is working. ERGs are great for comparing performances as they are both repeatable, and just as important, consistent.

Integrated with Health

Atlon will add your workouts to your existing fitness data and aid in closing your daily activity rings.

analyse insights and build custom workouts

putting your
work to work

Being able to measure every movement of a workout enables previously unseen levels of insight. Find improvements you otherwise couldn't.

Image showing all the CrossFit data from the Watch to Atlon's iPhone app
Training variety

Get an overview of how you are distributing your training. Find out where you're set and where to improve.

Focus areas

Focus areas shows training volume across workouts with a comparison to your monthly average.


Atlon measures how fast your rounds are. Compare your rounds and understand when to push or rest.

Track your progress

Track detailed progress for each exercise. View ranges for consistency and rep speed over time.


Plan and schedule your next workout with Atlon's advanced workout builder. Build workouts in the app and start them directly from the watch.

Build any workout

If you can think it, you can build it. Start from scratch or base new custom workouts on benchmarks.

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see it in action


No hidden fees or in-app shenanigans. Our pricing: refreshingly straightforward.

atlon individual


/ month

Unlimited workouts

Unlimited insights

Unlimited planning

Limited gains



Gone are they days of manually keeping track of your CrossFit workouts. Atlon recognizes over 100 different workouts with high accuracy.

air bike
air squat
arch body hold
back extension
back squat
barfacing burpee over the bar
bar muscle up
bench press
bicep curl
bike erg
boxfacing burpee box jump
boxfacing burpee box pass
box jump
box pass
box step over
box step up
burden run
burpee box jump
burpee box pass
burpee over the bar
burpee to target
butterfly chest to bar
butterfly pull up
chest to bar
clean & jerk
devil press
double under
dumbbell snatch
farmer walk
front squat
ghd sit up
goblet squat
ground to overhead
handstand hold
handstand push up
handstand walk
hang clean
hang clean & jerk
hang cluster
hang power clean
hang power clean & jerk
hang power snatch
hang snatch
hang squat clean
hang squat clean & jerk
hang squat snatch
hollow body hold
kettlebell swing
kipping chest to bar
kipping handstand push up
kipping pull up
legless rope climb
muscle up
overhead carry
overhead lunge
overhead reverse lunge
overhead squat
overhead walking lunge
pistol squat
power clean
power clean & jerk
power snatch
pull up
push jerk
push press
push up
reverse lunge
ring dip
ring muscle up
ring row
rope climb
row erg
russian kettlebell swing
russian twist
sandbag clean
shoulder tap
shoulder to overhead
shuttle run
single under
sit up
ski erg
sled pull
sled push
split jerk
split squat
squat clean
squat clean & jerk
squat snatch
strict chest to bar
strict handstand push up
strict press
strict pull up
toes to bar
walking lunge
wall ball
wall walk

best in class
tracking and detection















4.4 rating on the app store

Best Crossfit app

Great app, this is exactly what the apple watch is missing. Automatic recognition of workouts. Love it!


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